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Bill's Favorite Blog Articles on Healing

I created the blog to help share some of my insights on "How to Create a Life that Works!" The major sections are for healing, money, relationships and spiritual growth.  Here are my favorite blog posts on healing:

 1.  How to Clear Bad Energy Fast!

2.  Why Should I Forgive People who Wrong Me?

3.  How to Live More Authentically.

4.  Time Line Visualization Exercise to Release Negativity.

5.  Recycle Bin and Upgrade Visualization Exercise to Release Negativity.

6. Welcome to the Angelic Spa!

7. Playing Nicely with One Another: Energetic Dynamics of Relationships!

8.  Four Word Self Help Tips for Healing.

9. Clear and Heal Your Family Relationships.

10. Clear, Transmute, Heal and Release Energetic Cores and Hooks.


Healing Your Body, Organs and Systems Guided Meditation

Very powerful guided meditation with over eighty transmissions of healing energies to help you heal and evolve your physical body, organs and systems. It bathes your body with angelic love and healing washes to clear, transmute, heal and release energetic blocks, weaknesses, imbalances, illness and disease states with lots and lots of ease and grace. Cost is $27.

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Healing YOUR Back, Neck and Central Nervous System (CNS) Guided Meditation

Very powerful guided meditation with over forty healing transmissions. In this guided meditation you will work with the angels of love as they direct focused healing and energetic support to your back, neck and Central Nervous System. Includes angelic love and healing washes for each vertabra of the spinal column. Cost is $27.

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I recently launched two very powerful
Spiritual Healing Support Plans!

Want to Learn More About these Two
Spiritual Healing Support Plans?

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