I have on a
conscious spiritual path for over twenty-two
years. Most of my spiritual path has been an
emotional roller coaster. I would be
coasting along fine and then I would get
hugely triggered by something and have to
clear myself and persevere. There have been
a lot of zigs, zags, mountains and valleys
on my path and all too often whenever I took
two steps forward, I would get slammed and
take a huge leap backwards.
As I look at my
path over the years, I realize that the
spiritual path for me is about simple things
Getting out of my head and
into my heart;
Trusting my intuitionand inner guidance even if I
don’t understand it;
Choosing to act from love
rather than reacting from fear;
at peace no
matter what is going on around
in the now
rather than reliving the past;
Opening my heart to the
fullest extent that I can;
Releasing negative energies I took
on from others
and the planet, etc.
I created the
Spiritual Support Program to help each of us
to grow spiritually and move forward with as
much ease and grace as possible. When I
I went back to my spiritual awakening for
inspiration and designed the type of
Spiritual Support Program that I wish had
been available for me 22 years ago.
Receiving this type of healing support for
my spiritual path would have made my life SO
MUCH easier than it has been!
I begin each
of my Daily Support Programs with some
general clearing and healing transmissions!
Home Clearing Blast to help each of us
to clear, heal and release negative
energies from our home, car, furniture,
clothing, electronics, land, money and
personal property ($270 value).
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session
to help each of us to clear, heal and
release fear, stress, self sabotage,
addictions, anxiety, trauma, negative
self talk, worry, third dimension limits
and scarcity consciousness.
Healing and Enlightenment session to help
each of us to clear, heal and release
negative energies, beings, influences and
interference from our energetic spaces, fields,
organs, systems and bodies.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session
to help each of us to clear, heal and
release genetic and energetic blocks,
weaknesses, imbalances, illness, disease
states and predispositions to disease.
Spiritual Support Program Participants Also
Receive the Following Transmissions:
Money Blasting Session every day to help
each of us to clear, transmute, heal and
release financial challenges, money blocks,
resistance and self sabotage so we can
attract more money, abundance, prosperity
and success to us ($270 value).
Relationship Healing Blast to help each of
us to improve the health and quality of all
of our relationships ($270 value).
Not Living Authentically Blasting session to
help each of us to live authentically and to
clear, heal and release not being true to
ourselves ($270 value).
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to accept, love, forgive,
trust, believe in and be true to ourselves.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and release
beating up on ourselves.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to be calm, peaceful,
balanced, centered and grounded at ALL times
- no matter what is going on around us.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and release
any energies that do not belong to us –
energies we have picked up from other
people, mass consciousness and the planet.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to heal and ameliorate our
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to unplug from the third
dimension matrix and to clear, transmute,
heal, release and dissolve the limitations
of mass consciousness.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal, upgrade and
evolve all of our chakras, meridians and
nadi energy points.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and upgrade
the Central Nervous System, Endocrine Gland
Systems and all related organs and systems.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and upgrade
our DNA/RNA, genes, chromosomes, genetics,
genome, epigenetics, epigenome and the
master cell of the DNA in the pineal gland.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and release
slow, heavy, dark, negative, dense energies,
beings, frequencies, influences, patterns
and programs.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and release
negative ego programming and our shadow
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal, evolve and
upgrade our genetics, minds and brains and
personality self/selves and to align them
with our multidimensional heart and soul.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to grow spiritually;
embrace, express and embody our soul; quiet
and still our mind and mental body; forgive
and release our past; live in the now and
realize more of our true potential.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to open our heart; get out
of our head and into our heart and live with
passion from our heart.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to play nicely with others
and to clear, heal, evolve and upgrade ALL
of our relationships.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to increase, strengthen and
reinforce our optimal spiritual health and
well being.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to act from love rather than
reacting from fear.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us clear, heal and release
people pleasing, emotional triggers,
neediness, co-dependency and taking things
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us clear, heal and release
anything we think, feel, say or do that is
not authentic or true to ourselves.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to clear, heal and release
any blocks we may have around being open to
receive, attract and magnetize our highest
good to us.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to increase our love, light,
courage, intuition, clarity, wisdom and
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to align with our heart and
soul so we can embody the love and light
that we truly are.
Mega Healing and Enlightenment session to
help each of us to grow through love and joy
rather than through pain and suffering.
Work with the Creator and our soul to help
each of us to receive our highest good and
to achieve our healing and spiritual growth
intentions, goals and objectives.
PS When you SUBSCRIBE to this program today, you get two
additional bonuses!