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Central Sun Heart Alignments

December 21st, 2012 marked the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. It was a very powerful day for both releasing the old energies from the last cycle but also for bringing in new energies and frequencies for the new cycle. One of the series of activations I downloaded was a series of seven Central Sun Heart Alignments for Planetary and Cosmic Ascension. This series of downloads felt like it built upon the foundation of the Crystalline Grid Alignments that I downloaded in 2008 and I strongly encourage any one who feels drawn to this series of transmissions to meditate on whether or not they need to do the Crystalline Grid Alignments first.

We are all highly multidimensional beings. The physical, third dimension body is just the tip of the iceberg of who we truly are. Each of us has aspects of ourselves existing not only at the planetary level but also at the solar, galactic, universe, multiverse, omniverse and Void. Almost all of the work I am downloading in this lifetime originates from the aspects of my consciousness who exist in the higher dimensions.

The purpose of these seven Central Sun Heart Alignments is to help reactivate and reconnect us more closely to the aspects of ourselves that exist on these higher planes. My sense is that these series of transmissions - like the Crystalline Grid Alignments earlier - will greatly assist people who are bringing in new energies like heart paradigm healing modalities and spiritual teachings. It also feels like it will greatly assist all of us in our cosmic ascension process. There is also great world service in this series of activations in that as people around the planet begin to ground their higher dimension aspects into the physical body, it will help everyone we meet to do so as well.

As you read through the descriptions for each session, please go within and ask Spirit and your soul if this session would benefit you before you add it to your shopping cart.  These are extremely powerful activations and are not meant for everyone. The people who are most likely to resonate with these transmissions will probably be highly evolved starseeds from other systems who are here to assist humanity in transitioning to the higher dimensions. Here is a brief description of these sessions:

Planetary Central Sun Heart Alignment:  This activation feels to me like it helps to anchor our multidimensional heart to the multidimensional heart of Gaia. It helps us to form a healing connection to Gaia so that we can be vessels to assist in the planetary cleansing and purification process in a more light-hearted way than we have before. The cost of this session is $111.


Solar Central Sun Heart Alignment:  The purpose of this activation is to help us to connect with the aspects of our consciousness that operate from the solar level. This activation helps and supports us to embody and ground into the planet solar codes for the ascension process of both Gaia and humanity. The cost of this session is $222. Prerequisite is the Planetary Central Sun Heart Alignment.


Galactic Central Sun Heart Alignment:   Many of the starseeds and highly evolved people on the planet are deeply connected to the galactic realms that have achieved Christos Consciousness. This activation helps connect you with the galactic aspect of your consciousness and helps you to anchor galactic codes for ascension on Gaia. This activation can help starseeds to accomplish their objectives in grounding galactic energies and healing modalities on Gaia as the ascension process accelerates.  The cost of this session is $333. Prerequisite is the Solar Central Sun Heart Alignment.


Universe Central Sun Heart Alignment: This activation helps us to reconnect with the aspect of our consciousness that functions and operates at the Universal level. It also helps to ground energies, frequencies and coding into the planet from the Universe and the great Councils of Love operating at this level. The cost of this activation is $480. Prerequisite is the Galactic Central Sun Heart Alignment.


Multiverse Central Sun Heart Alignment: This activation helps us to reconnect with the aspect of our consciousness that functions and operates at the Multiverse level. It also helps to ground energies, frequencies and coding into the planet from the Multiiverse and the great Councils of Love operating at this level. The cost of this activation is $480. Prerequisite is the Universe Central Sun Heart Alignment.


Omniverse Central Sun Heart Alignment: This activation helps us to reconnect with the aspect of our consciousness that functions and operates at the Omniverse level. It also helps to ground energies, frequencies and coding into the planet from the Omniverse and the great Councils of Love operating at this level.  The cost of this activation is $480. Prerequisite is the Multiverse Central Sun Heart Alignment.


VOID Central Sun Heart Alignment: This activation helps us to reconnect with the aspect of our consciousness that functions and operates at the VOID level of awareness. The created universe is just the tip of the iceberg, most of All that Is is comprised of the VOID. It also helps to ground energies, frequencies and coding into the planet from the VOID and the great Councils of Love operating at this level.  The cost of this activation is $480. Prerequisite is the Central Sun Alignment.



Ordering Information

If you order the first four activations (Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universe Central SUN Heart Alignments) at the same time the cost would be $700.

These activations are so powerful that I get that I need to transmit them directly to the individuals who resonate with them. I will try to transmit these activations to you within three business days after you order them. However, I can only transmit one activation per day to you so if you order more than one it will be spread out to give you time to integrate. This activation is time released in that as you grow and evolve and as the planet does as well, you will be constantly upgraded by your soul with new energies over time.

To order, just click on the activations you want and add them to the cart:

First Four Central Sun Heart Alignments ($700)
Planetary Central Sun Heart Alignment ($111)
Solar Central Sun Heart Alignments ($222, prerequisite is the Planetary Central Sun Heart Alignment)
Galactic Crystalline Grid Alignments ($333, prerequisite is the Solar Central Sun Heart Alignment)
Universe Central Sun Heart Alignment ($480, prerequisite is the Galactic Central Sun Heart Alignment)
Multiverse Crystalline Grid Alignments ($480, prerequisite is the Universe Central Sun Heart Alignment)
Omniverse Central Sun Heart Alignment ($480, prerequisite is the Multiverse Central Sun Heart Alignment)
VOID Central Sun Heart Alignment ($480, prerequisite is the Omniverse Central Sun Heart Alignment)


I recently launched my 50 Weeks to
Get Out of YOUR Head and Into Your Heart Program!


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