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How to Create a Life that Works Using Bill Austin's 4 Ingredient Recipe!

How to Create a Life that Works Ingredient One: Passion

In order to create a life that works and supports you on all levels, you need to be passionate about it. If you don't fully embrace creating a life that works on all levels and aspects of your being, then you are unlikely to achieve it. When you are passionate about something, you make it a priority. You may want to affirm throughout your day: I choose to create a life that works. I intend to create a life that works. I decide to create a life that works. I commit to create a life that works.

How to Create a Life that Works Ingredient Two: Self Knowledge

In order to create a life that works and supports you on all levels, you need to need to know who you are. We each are unique energetically and a life that works and supports me may be a very bad match for you. Some of the questions you may want to gain more clarity about would be. What makes you tick? What are your core values? What do you love to do? What do you hate to do? In an ideal world, what would your life look like? I strongly encourage you to WRITE down your responses and review them often until you have perfected the language and descriptions. The next step is to determine what goals, objectives and intentions can you create to help you get to where you want to end up.

How to Create a Life that Works Ingredient Three: Focus

After you commit to creating a life that works and get a sense of what that looks like for you and develop some goals or objectives or intentions, then the next step is to focus. Look at where you are now and FOCUS on what you need to do to get where you want to end up. You may want to set some Begin the day, reaffirming your commitment to creating a life that works; review and fine-tune what a life that works looks like for you, then you need to nurture and water your vision with focus. Focus infuses your consciousness into your intent and from this space you will know what the next step is to manifest your desired reality.

How to Create a Life that Works Ingredient Four: Leverage Your Time and Energy

The main difference between people who accomplish their intentions and objectives and those who do not is how well do they manage their time. We each have many spiritual gifts but only so much time and energy. So the people who are best at managing their time and energy are more likely to succeed. I would like to share three of the most helpful time management techniques I have found.

  1. Plan out your day before you do anything. Each month, I try to accomplish one or two big objectives. I break it down into weekly objectives and each day, I chip away at it.

  2. Ask yourself often throughout the day: "Is this the highest and best use of my time and energy? Does doing this move me toward my objectives or distract me from achieving my objectives?"  A lot of things appear to be important but really aren't.

  3. Each morning determine what the two MOST important things that you have to accomplish in the day and DO THEM FIRST. I highly recommend that you accomplish the most disagreeable and least fun thing first so it won't drag down your day. We always create time for things we find enjoyable. The important thing is to accomplish these two things BEFORE you read your email, call a friend, tweet or chat on Facebook, watch TV, go into an endless, unproductive meeting, etc.





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